BMU is part of one of a fast growing market: the recognition of emotions and the analysis of feelings business. This market is expected to reach $ 3.8 billion by 2025. Our collaborative team which is including PhDs, researchers, programmers

Augmented intelligence based on AI, biofeedback and emotional measures
BMU is part of one of a fast growing market: the recognition of emotions and the analysis of feelings business. This market is expected to reach $ 3.8 billion by 2025. Our collaborative team which is including PhDs, researchers, programmers
Host your next corporate event into the future! Whether you are working on your strategic plan, celebrating a milestone, having fun together, or just looking for a social moment out of the office; BMU can provide your team with memorable
BMU vision is to democratize brain insights data in order to enhance Human performance. To do so, our team offers a brand new dashboard to help decision makers, analysts and artificial intelligence agents in their brain data understanding. Our clients
Updated – July 2018 We are pleased to announce that a new virtual reality mandate is being offered to BMU by McGill. Original publication – June 2017 BMU Neuro Vr Labs helps McGill University and Genome Canada to collaborate with
Lors du Colloque Créativité en France par Mine d’Alès, notre équipe a reçu le mandat de permettre au participant de voir comment les ondes du cerveau permettent de découvrir les émotions d’une personne regardant une vidéo dans laquelle des véhicules du
During the Colloque Créativité in France by Mine d’Alès,, our team was given the mandate to allow the participant to see how the brain waves can discover the emotions of a person watching a video of futuristic vehicles. BMU Labs
From movie to game trailer, People select contents based on the emotions they want to experience, that’s why, as a film producer or game publisher, you aim to deliver a maximum impact with the strongest content. Moreover, you want to
– valider l’impact d’une création, – évaluer le “pacing” d’une performance, – connecter plus étroitement avec le public, – mesurer l’effet d’un gag, – connaître son audience, voici certains objectifs que des artistes, des musiciens et encore des humoristes pourraient
See the infographic ! (version française disponible sur ce lien)
Imagine you could navigate around a vehicule that does not exist but in the head of a designer? Imagine you could not only see a design concept before it could be made but you understand what really matter for a